Our Mission
Our mission is to empower investors and homeowners to increase the value of their properties and investments by combining the craftsmanship and knowhow of our construction division with the financial savoir faire of our real estate investment experience.

Rekon Group is comprised of four business entities;
Rekon Construction, residential and commercial general contractor and construction division
Rekon Capital, real estate private equity investment
Rekon Air, residential and commercial air quality and comfort experts
Rekon Management, property management firm, managing properties and renting residential and commercial spaces to quality tenants.
Our brands are trusted by thousands of property owners, who have entrusted us with some of their most valuable assets-their homes and investments.
Over the last 20 years, through Rekon Construction, we have built custom dream homes, and renovated homes, bringing the magic back to existing homes. Our commercial division has specialized in broadcast production, building movie sets and film sets along with helping businesses expand and renovate their commercial spaces. In 2020, we launched our Rekon Capital division whose mission is to empower middle-class Canadians to access affordable real-estate investment opportunities, delivering above average market returns. In 2021, we launched Rekon Air, a brand that helps homeowners improve the air quality and comfort of their homes through UV air purification systems and innovative, energy efficient heating and cooling solutions.

Rekon Group, Inc.
Rekon Construction Inc.
R.B.Q. license 5711-7863-01
334-A Crémazie Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H2P 1C7
Rekon Group is a group of companies that powers investors and home owners to increase the value of their properties and investments by combing the craftsmanship and knowhow of our construction division with the financial savoir faire of our real estate investment experience.